Browser Support Policy

In order to provide our customer base with both reliable and timely software updates, a specific browser set is supported for re:Members platform access. This browser set is determined largely by browser usage as reported through Google Analytics on a quarterly basis, based upon session count.

To summarize, all access to the re:Members platform is collected real-time and tabulated at the end of each fiscal quarter. Session counts are summed by Operating System and browser and are then sorted by the session count. The top ninety percent of Operating System/Browsers are then determined to be supported.

Some changes to the final outcome may be made by the re:Members management team on an as-needed basis, in order to correct for certain browser/Operating System combinations close to the ninetieth percentile that may fall slightly in and out of favor, quarter by quarter. In other words, we do not want to support a particular browser on a specific Operating System for one quarter, then discontinue its support for the following quarter, only to begin support again for the subsequent quarter.

The following browsers are supported:

OS OS Version Browser
iOS 15.5 Safari
iOS 15.6 Chrome
iOS 15.6.1 Safari
Macintosh 10.14 Chrome
Macintosh 10.14 Safari
Macintosh 10.15 Chrome
Macintosh 10.15 Safari
Windows 10 Chrome
Windows 10 Edge