Ask your team these questions before investing too much time and money in chapter program ideas.
What sounds like a great chapter member engagement idea to you might not always be a good fit for your chapters. Instead of taking the usual -down approach to new chapter programs, why not do the exact opposite? Identify a program that is already successful at one of your chapters and trickle it up to the rest of your chapters.
We’re sharing the experience and advice of three associations who had success with trickling up new chapter member engagement programs:
Local chapters are the membership heartbeat of an association. They have more opportunities to see what members want and need. It can be tricky for National to introduce a new program to chapters. You won’t always know in advance if your great idea will be adopted or even work.
However, programs that trickle up from chapters to National attention give you a head start. The challenge is scaling these programs across the chapter network because what works for one chapter won’t necessarily work for another.
Ask your team these questions before investing too much time and money in chapter program ideas.
What is National’s role—driver or facilitator? Consider whether your association has the resources and/or bandwidth necessary to take a leadership role. For example, NAIOP was the driver of their new program. They had the resources to recraft the original chapter program. On the other hand, EdTA was the facilitator of their new program. They acted simply as the connecting point for chapters who wanted to participate.
How will you track and improve program performance? Have a plan for staying on top of what is and isn’t working, and making tweaks when necessary. Decide ahead of time how you will measure success.
NAIOP, The Commercial Real Estate Development Association, has 51 chapters with 19,000 members. Their chapters are independent but operate under an affiliation agreement with NAIOP.
We’ve discussed NAIOP’s chapter mentoring program before on this blog. The mentoring program originated at their Toronto chapter—NAIOP’s second largest chapter with more than 1,500 members plus several staff.
NAIOP was intrigued by Toronto’s software that matched mentors with mentees. They knew from a survey of NAIOP’s young (35 and under) members that mentoring and career advice was their number one need. NAIOP decided to refashion the Toronto program in a way that would work for a 100-member chapter as well as a 1500-member chapter, and let chapters use it at no cost. They drew up a licensing agreement with Toronto and hired software engineers to tweak the software for a better overall chapter fit.
In this case, NAIOP is the program driver because they:
NAIOP opted for a soft rollout with 14 chapters. They offered program training suitable for busy volunteer leaders:
NAIOP helps each chapter customize the program according to their members’ needs. The chapter decides how many members will participate in the program and what member commitment looks like, for example, the program length and number of hours.
NAIOP staff consult a dashboard that tracks how the program is doing at each chapter. They can check in with the chapter if progress stalls and offer help without taking over.
The Project Management Institute (PMI) has around 500,000 members in more than 300 chapters around the world with 162 of them in North America. PMI took a very small program from one chapter and scaled it up for all their U.S. chapters.
Operation: Qualify for Hire helps veterans, active military and/or their families make the transition back into the civilian world and into a new professional community. It assists them in becoming qualified for project management certification and helps them secure employment in that profession.
Two members from the Tampa, FL chapter started the program. One was a certified project manager working for the U.S. Department of Defense, and the other was retired lieutenant colonel from the Army who had transitioned to project management.
The Tampa chapter created a LinkedIn group where chapters and members can ask questions and get advice about adopting the program. Local volunteers created and shared educational materials about the program.
The Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) started as a national honor society for high school students in theatre. Now EdTA has 47 state chapters, two international chapters, plus Thespian Troupes (high school groups) all over the world. They have 100,000 active junior and high school members and 5,000 professional members (teachers and industry professionals).
The idea for EdTA’s Disaster Relief Matchmaking Program was initiated in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. The state chapter used a Google Doc to match schools who needed help to schools who wanted to help. The Texas chapter (and National) witnessed an incredible outpouring of help by students. This next generation wants to engage, get involved, and connect in a meaningful way.
Then Hurricane Irma affected FL schools, Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, and the Northern California wildfires happened. EdTA knew there would always be a need for help. They wanted to take the Texas idea and scale it so it could spread nationally. But EdTA decided to facilitate, not drive, this new program.
EdTA didn’t want to be the “bank.” They didn’t want to collect and distribute funds. Instead, if a school says they need help, and another school wants to help, EdTA puts them together.
These connections between chapters are made on EdTA’s online Higher Logic community. With 9,000 active users in the community, it’s the go-to place for #ThespiansHelpingThespians (the program’s social media hashtag) as well as the place where chapter leaders are reading association news and finding resources.
It’s not up to National to define a disaster. A disaster could be a water main break that floods a theater. If one school needs help and another wants to help, EdTA is happy to play the facilitator role.
So far, 22 schools have requested help, and 174 schools have pledged to support them. Students are also allowing local businesses to get involved by pledging to help.
Upon reviewing the key takeaways from these three associations—takeaways that were provided by their staff—we were surprised to see some of the same lessons popping up. Here are some ways to get chapters to share their success stories and to provide feedback on new program ideas:
Understand your chapters’ pain points and needs. Then elicit chapter success stories to see if you can find a program that addresses those pain points and needs. Once you do, invite chapter leaders to a deeper conversation and brainstorming session about taking the program to the next level.
When you engage chapters in conversations about scaling up and sharing one of their programs, they hear your message: you believe in and trust chapters. Other chapters see what you’re doing. They know you want to help and support them. Even when a program doesn’t get the full traction you want, the silver lining is building a stronger collaborative mindset in your chapters.
You must have regular two-way communication with your chapters to learn about their needs, hear success stories, develop relationships that lead to collaboration, find out how to scale programs, and learn what to tweak and how to improve programs.
The National/chapter relationship is a partnership. You both have valuable ideas and information to share with the other. And whether you’re a driver or facilitator of new chapter programs, your value to chapters will increase enormously when you identify, scale up, and share programs that improve chapter member engagement.
Ask yourself these key questions:
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